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Instructional Videos

Check out our 50+ "how to" videos to help you dominate out on the ice.

Off-ice instructional videos

On-ice instructional videos

Marrying The Shot & Step

When you're shooting with your feet moving, there are 3 key concepts you need to understand (and execute on) in order to get maximum power in your shot.

Orange Machine Samples

Here are some sample videos of the hockey IQ analysis, skills breakdowns and mental toughness training you'll get from Coach Kim with The Orange Machine.

4×4 Box Breathing

I want to share a simple MENTAL performance technique I use with players and teams to work on developing the mindset and tools needed to “control what you can control”. It’s called box breathing and I’ve included a quick video of me showing you how it’s done here.

Power Kill or Penalty Kill?

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Choosing the Right Quick Release Shot

When it comes to getting shots off quickly, it's important for players to understand which shot makes the most sense given the circumstance. In this 18 minute video, I go through the proper techniques for shooting both wrist shots & snap shots in stride and how to decide which shot to use at the right time.

Winning The Walls

Winning the walls is an essential concept that we emphasize with every team and player we work with. Do you come out of battles along the wall with possession or not?

East-West Moves Workout

Having explosive east-west moves allows you to create separation between you and your opponent. Check out this 30 minute training session with Coach Kim to learn how to do them and use them in game situations.

Score 1 More Goal Per Game

Scoring early and often is critical to our team's success. Here are a few resources you might find useful to help you score that precious extra goal (or two) you need to win these big games.

In Tight Triangle Dangles

Here's a short video of one of the 3 in-tight triangle dangles I teach players to win 1v1s- along with how to transition into the shot coming out of the move.

Playing with Poise

The #1 thing that makes players of any age and level stand out from the rest is their POISE with the puck.

Quick Fire Shots In Stride

Here’s a really simple QUICK FIRE DRILL to start to get players comfortable with shooting quickly off either leg.

5 Reasons We Don’t Dust Off Pucks

These 5 goals from the semi-final games at the recent Women's World Hockey Championship are why we don't "dust off" pucks before shooting.

Snapshot Basics

I spend more time teaching girls the snapshot than any other shot. It is quick and effective when done properly. Here I teach you the basics to help you build your skill foundation.

Shoot Through The Eyes of Your Stick

Imagine the blade of your stick has eyes. When you're about to shoot, what you see with your own eyes is very different from what the stick sees with its eyes.

Speed How To Video

Every player wants to get faster. But getting faster isn’t easy. Here Coach Kim shows you how to build a strong foundation of single leg balance, explosive power and foot quickness in order to truly be FAST.

Controlling Rims

NO ONE likes to deal with a rimmed puck, but if you're great at it, it can be a skill that separates.

Shooting In Stride

Working on shooting in stride off the ice is simpler than you think. Here Coach Kim takes you through a 4 step progression.

Gold Medal Winning Goal

Watch Marie-Philip Poulin's gold-medal-winning goal again and see a slow-motion breakdown of the entire play highlighting 4 key moments that made the goal possible.

Hip Turns and Set Up Moves

While your workout intensity might be a little different right now, your skill training has no off-season. You can always work on your shooting & stick-handling technique. Sure, you may not have access to ice right now, but you don’t need ice to take your shot and dangles to the next level.

4 Off The Wall Attack Drills

Team Canada & Team USA possess and prootect the puck along the wall and down low so well, which allows them to generate terrific scoring chances from those areas. Here are some drills you can use on the ice to start developing these skills.

Quick Feet At Home

To have quick feet on and off the ice, you've got to focus on "being a duck". Here in this workout, Coach Kim shows you exactly what that means.

Shots Above The Pads

Inspired by 3 amazing goals scored by Team USA and Team Canada at the Olympics, I want to talk about low shots that are right above the goalie’s pads when they drop down into their butterfly.

Fix Your Mobility

Restoring the mobility in your hips should be a BIG area of focus as you start the off-season and is something you should work on throughout the season too. Coach Kim shows you how to make it happen with these 12 exercises.

2 Amazing Game Winning Goals

There is no question in my mind that Marie-Philip Poulin (aka MPP) is the greatest goal scorer in the history of women’s hockey. Click here to watch her two most recent game-winning goals from the Canada/USA Rivalry series.

Fix Your Stickhandling SPACING

Getting your hands out away from your body is the key to effective stick-handling. Here Coach Kim shows you how to do this when you've got the puck in primary position, front position and on your backhand.

Puck Protection 101

I've been saying for decades that PUCK PROTECTION is one of the most critical skills to teach in hockey - especially in the female game where no one can take you out with a body check. Watch & learn one of the best in the female game dominate down low here.

At Home Total Body Hockey Specific Workout

If you're missing hockey as much as I am right now, grab your stick and get this workout done at home. No equipment necessary. No excuses for not getting it done.

How To Score More Goals

Your chance of scoring goes up by almost 7x if the goalie has less than half a second to react before the shot is taken. Here's how to get & keep the goalie moving to score more this season.

10 Minute Bodyweight Workout for Girls Hockey Players

In this 10 minute video, I take you through a complete head-to-toe strength workout designed to specifically address the needs of aspiring female hockey players. Check it out below!

Own Your Role

Team Canada's Jamie Lee Rattray an amazing role model and a wonderful example of perseverance and rising to the occasion.

6 Exercises To Increase Your Shot Power

Everyone wants to have a harder shot. While practicing your shot over and over will yield good results, supplementing that work with these off-ice exercises will make it a rocket.

Drills Between Drills

Use these 6 short "fun" drills in between longer practice drills to keep the intensity and fun factor high.

Why Bad Posture Is Good For Hockey

You can't have perfect posture while playing hockey. But that doesn't mean you should always have bad posture.

Forecheck Backcheck Paycheck

What really made Team Canada so dominant in their recent World Championship preliminary game was the relentless pressure they put on Team USA in all 3 zones. They eliminated time and space and forced the US players to move pucks sooner than they wanted to into dangerous spots on the ice.

Girls Hockey Circuit Training Workout

Circuit training is the best way for female hockey players to get a full body workout in quickly and effectively. Follow along with this video as Kim takes you through a complete total body circuit.

Blending Skills To Make Magic Happen

Watch Team Canada forward Melodie Daoust blend together at least 5 high-level skills to create a beautiful scoring chance against Team Finland.

3 Biggest Slap-Shot Sins

Having a great slap-shot is an excellent weapon to have in the female game. Here's where most players fall short in their execution.

9 Simple Drills For Initiating Contact

A simple 9 drill progression that focuses on initiating contact when you’ve already got possession of the puck.

Hockey Specific Conditioning In The Park

You don't need to go to a fancy gym or have expensive equipment to get a great off-ice workout done. Here Coach Kim shows you how to get a great hockey-specific workout done out in the park.

Initiating Contact – Pro Game Footage

In this article, Coach Kim shows video examples of professional female players retrieving and protecting pucks more effectively by initiating contact.

What Girls Hockey Workouts Should Look Like

Sometimes we over-think and over-complicate what we need to get done in our workouts. Here is a quick overview of what makes up a great workout for female hockey players.

3Ps from PWHPA Dream Gap Tour

Here I breakdown video clips from the PWHPA Dream Gap Tour to explain what the 3 key principles of PACE, POISE & PHYSICALITY are and how to apply them in your own game.

Get A Great Hockey Workout Done In 10 Minutes

You don't need much equipment, space or time to get a great hockey workout in. Kim shows you how to get it done quickly and effectively in this short 3 minute video.

Poise With The Puck

Having poise with the puck is all about gaining and maintaining possession with control and creativity. Here are 4 quick clips highlighting Brianna Decker’s ability to stay poised under pressure.

How To Get In Game Shape Fast

Whether you had a lazy off-season or are just coming back from injury, it can be hard to get back into game shape. Check out this workout to get your game back in gear quickly.

5 Goals 1 Line PWHPA

Coach Kim breaks down 5 different goals all scored by the same line (Decker-Kessel-Skarupa) from the 2021 PWHPA Dream Gap Tour games.

How To Warm-up In 1 Minute Or Less For Hockey

I often hear players and coaches complain that there isn't enough time or space to get a good warm-up in before hitting the ice. This short video will show you that you can get an effective warm-up in with almost no space at all.

Being Shot Ready In The Slot

This video breakdown by Coach Kim features two amazing quick release goals scored from the slot by 2 time US Olympian Kendall Coyne Schofield.

1 Minute Warm-up For Girls Hockey Players

You don't need a lot of time or space to get an effective off-ice workout done. Check out this short video to see how you can get it done in the dressing room or in a tight rink hallway.

Load Explode On The Ice

I say LOAD EXPLODE more than any other cue when working with players on and off the ice. Here you'll see a few short clips of me demonstrating what LOAD EXPLODE looks like on the ice.

Hockey Strength versus Power Test

All elite female hockey are both strong and powerful out on the ice. How do you know if you are naturally a strong player or a more explosive player? Try this test to find out.

How To Use Cutbacks To Score Goals (6 drills)

In this article, I show you 6 simple drills you can use to learn how to execute an east-west cutback to protect the puck from a defender and load up your shot.

Total Female Hockey Speed Test 2

It doesn't matter how strong you are if you aren't stable. Core stability is critical if you want to use your speed, strength and power effectively.

Pivots For Defending, Attacking & Scoring

Players sometimes think pivots are "D skills". In these 5 videos, I show you how you can use forward-to-backward pivots to improve your defending, attacking & scoring.

Total Female Hockey Speed Test 1

This one simple test is the most important for making sure you've got the strength and stability to be an elite level skater.

Linear Crossovers

Connor McDavid is the master of using the linear crossover to gain speed and be deceptive as he skates down the ice. Players need to be taught how this diagonal skating technique differs from the traditional around-the-circles crossover and work up to drills like this.

4 Fitness Tests For Female Hockey Players

Fitness testing doesn't have to be stressful or complicated. Here are 4 simple tests that are easy to track and execute anywhere.

Changing The Shot Angle

We use this simple 3 part drill to start teaching our players how to change the shot angle. This video shows the forehand drag version, but the same progressions could be used for the backhand to forehand pull across the body.

The Best and Worst Exercises For Female Hockey Players

While many female hockey players do some kind of strength, most struggle with a few key moves. Here are a few of the most important ones to get right if you want to get stronger this season.

How To Fake Shots Effectively

Being able to fake a shot effectively greatly increases your chances of beating the goalie. Great fakes keep the goalie guessing which makes your next shot or pass that much more effective.

Hockey Speed Made Simple

There are so many different ways to take your speed to the next level with off-ice training. Here are some great exercises to get you started.

East West Puck Protection Made Simple

A few super simple drills to work on protecting the puck while skating up the ice at full speed. Always PULL the stick back first before using your body to protect the puck. Try it first without the puck and then add the puck as your pulls get better and better.

How To Skate Faster Without Hitting The Ice

You CAN become a faster skater without even hitting the ice. Here's how.

Every Move Has A Set-Up Move

In order to make an effective deke on the ice, you need to have a great set-up move. Here Coach Kim teaches you about set-up moves and how to use them effectively on the ice.

1 Simple Jump To Maximize Your Speed

Working on this one simple jump can make a significant difference in your balance, power and speed on the ice this season.

How To Walk The Line Effectively

Being able to walk the blue-line quickly and effectively is an essential skill for all defensemen at all levels. Here is a super simple drill you can use to develop this skill with your players.

How To Improve Your Stride Without Hitting The Ice

Having a powerful efficient stride is critical to becoming an elite skater. But not all of your stride training has to happen on the ice. Here are some great exercises to try on dry-land to take your speed to the next level.

How To Shoot Through The Eyes Of Your Stick

Understanding what your stick sees (versus what your eyes see) is the key to becoming a great goal scorer.

3 Critical Components Of Developing Your Speed

Speed is about a lot more than having quick feet. You must develop all 3 of these critical components of speed in order to be unstoppable on the ice.

How To Get Off The Wall & To The Net Fast

Being able to accelerate off the wall quickly with the puck is an essential skill for all forwards. Here are some simple drills to teach and practice this skill on the ice.

3 Keys To Getting Faster For Hockey

You must develop these three key areas of your athleticism in order to be faster skating in open ice, quick out of the corners and explosive when skating through traffic.

How To Stickhandle Like A Pro

Having great stickhandling technique is critical to becoming an elite player. Here Coach Kim shows you how to fix the dreaded "chicken wing" habit and how to have soft quiet hands.

3 Critical Jumps For Becoming An Explosive Skater

This goes beyond just the regular "load, explode and land" of jumping. Here's three exercises that show you how to link those jumps together while maintaining maximum explosiveness.

Better Breakouts For Ds

Here is a simple puck retrieval drill that will help Ds escape their check and jump up with speed on the breakout.

Back-To-Basics of Explosive Power For Hockey

Before you start doing a bunch of fancy jumps in your training, you've got to be rock-solid on the basics.

How To Score Off Tips

Understanding where to position your body and stick when screening in front is essential in order to score off tips. Here Coach Kim shows you exactly how it's done.

How To Shoot A Better Wrist Shot

Here are a few critical details you need to execute with your hand positioning and arm action in order to have an elite level wrist shot.

How To Create Space Off The Rush

Here is a simple drill to work on entries where the puck carrier has close support.

Wrist Exercises For Hockey Players

Having strong wrists is critical for hockey players. Here are some super simple exercises to do regularly with your hockey stick to help take your shooting, passing and stickhandling to the next level.

Transition Skating

Being able to transition for forwards to backwards and backwards to forwards quickly and efficiently is an essential skill for all skaters. While this drill may look a little more defense-friendly, it is important that forwards master these transitions as well.

How Much Should Players Train?

Training off the ice used to be rare but now every elite player does off-ice training all year around. How much is too much?

4 Simple Hockey Stretches

These simple moves target the 4 most important muscle groups for female hockey players to stretch after playing.

Get Off The Garbage Barge

This simple nutrition concept will transform the way you think about eating for performance. It's simple and effective - players will remember it for years to come!

What To Drink Before Hockey

Most players are dehydrated before they even hit the ice. Here's how to make better choices before your next practice or game so that you can be at your peak level of performance.

Pre-Game Hockey Nutrition

What you eat before you hit the ice has a massive effect on your performance. Here's some ideas on how to make the best choices.

Post Hockey Nutrition

What you eat after you get off the ice makes a HUGE difference to how you feel and perform the next time you play. Here are some ideas what to avoid and what to eat to take your game to the next level.

The Confidence Hat-trick

Confidence is the most powerful weapon in female hockey. Here's the truth about how female players think about themselves and some ideas on how to make it better.

2 Simple Ways To Prevent Concussions

These 2 simple exercises can do a lot to give you the stability you need to prevent impact injuries like concussions.

Concussion Prevention Workout For Girls Hockey Players

While concussions can't be 100% prevented, if you put in some hard work off the ice to work on these key exercises, you will be better able to protect yourself from injury.

Basic Balance For Hockey Players

Having great single leg balance is critical to being a great skater who dominates the game.

Core Exercises For Female Hockey Players

Simple core exercises done off the ice to take your game to the next level on the ice.

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