Score 1 More Goal Per Game

Now that we’re into playoff season, we know scoring early and often is critical to our team’s success. That’s why I wanted to pass along a few resources you might find useful to help you score that precious extra goal (or two) you need to win these big games. 

Please feel free to pass this message along to any friends, coaches and teammates who want to score a few more goals this playoff season.

I apologize in advance if you end up in a goal scoring rabbit hole here 🙂

9 Secrets For Scoring More Goals:

4 Ways To Score Greasy Goals:

5 Ways To Score One More Goal Per Game:

Shooting Through The Eyes of Your Stick:

Shots Above The Pads:

3 Reasons To Play Your Off-Side (this one focuses on the eyes of the stick as well):

How To Score Off Tips:

Work Hard.
Dream BIG.
Score More.

~ Coach Kim

PS: SHOOT TO SCORE MORE – We will be working on our shooting technique and understanding of when and where to shoot at all of our upcoming Total Female Hockey Camps over March Break and throughout the summer. You can check out our full camp schedule here:

Kim McCullough, MSc, YCS
Director & Founder, Total Female Hockey

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