3Ps from PWHPA Dream Gap Tour

I watched every single second of the 7 PWHPA Secret Dream Gap Tour games last year looking for great examples of these 3Ps:


I ended up with 80+ short video clips that illustrate these key principles of play.

I’ve posted 3 of those clips below to help you understand what these 3 principles are and how to apply them in your own game. You’ll watch the highlights and also hear my voice-over that explains how the players use the 3Ps in that clip.


We’ve all seen our fair share of beautiful skill plays by Marie-Philip Poulin over the past 10+ years. This one still showcases her world-class pace and poise, but I wanted to highlight the physicality in this clip. Her ability to drive the inside against Toronto draws in 3 defenders and leaves her teammate wide open for the shot and the goal.


Sarah Nurse showcases all 3 Ps in this clip but it’s her ability to attack with pace that really stands out. Physicality and poise are definitely seen here too but it’s her ability to accelerate quickly and use linear crossovers to gain speed and deceive the defender that are truly world-class on this play.


I’ve put together 5 smaller clips into one here to illustrate poise under pressure. Four clips show great poise by the Ds and centres on the breakout and one shows excellent poise (and giving of false information) by Toronto D Ella Shelton off an offensive face-off that leads directly to a goal.

I hope you enjoyed all the videos. Please feel free to share them with any players, coaches and friends who would love to watch the best of the best do their thing.

If you want to learn how to apply the 3Ps to your game next season, join us at our Total Female Hockey Camps this summer. All the info about our Summer Day Camps & Evening Training Sessions can be found below:


Work Hard. Dream BIG.

See It. Be It.

Your friend and coach,


Kim McCullough, MSc, YCS
Director & Founder, Total Female Hockey

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