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On-Ice Performance Articles

Sharing some of my best "nuggets" of advice to help you score more goals, play fierce defense and win more hockey games this season.

Orange Machine Samples

Here are some sample videos of the hockey IQ analysis, skills breakdowns and mental toughness training you'll get from Coach Kim with The Orange Machine.

Power Kill or Penalty Kill?

Incredibly Inspirational Interview

In this podcast episode, we share a truly amazing story of a PHOENIX rising out of the ashes of some heartbreaking hardships on and off the ice to build an amazing life that is still very much connected to the world of women’s hockey.

The Not So Sexy Stuff

In our 1st ever Total Female Hockey Podcast episode, Coach Kim McCullough talks about how all players can take their game to the next level this season by working on the "not so sexy" stuff. Most players don't do any of this stuff at all, so doing it regularly throughout the season will give you a huge advantage over the competition.

Teaching Hockey IQ & Coaching Team Iceland

This is one of my favorite coaching chats EVER and the conversation that connected me to my newest coaching adventure with the Iceland National Women's Ice Hockey teams.

Winning The Walls

Winning the walls is an essential concept that we emphasize with every team and player we work with. Do you come out of battles along the wall with possession or not?

Score 1 More Goal Per Game

Scoring early and often is critical to our team's success. Here are a few resources you might find useful to help you score that precious extra goal (or two) you need to win these big games.

Playing with Poise

The #1 thing that makes players of any age and level stand out from the rest is their POISE with the puck.

Living The Dream – My Hockey Journey

Highlight's of Coach Kim's journey as a player, parent and coach.


Mixing FAST & PHYSICAL hockey with more POISE & SKILL is a recipe for success in the modern women’s game.

#1 Piece of Advice This Season

You’ve got to SCAN the ice more. Whether you’re a goalie, D or forward, you need to have more information. The information you get from looking around is going to allow you to think a play ahead and know what you want to do next.

Shoot Through The Eyes of Your Stick

Imagine the blade of your stick has eyes. When you're about to shoot, what you see with your own eyes is very different from what the stick sees with its eyes.

Switching Positions

Every season, I field questions from players who’ve been asked to switch positions by their coach. They’re concerned about what it means and what to do. And I always share my story of when I was converted from a D to a forward after my 1st ever practice with the Dartmouth College women’s hockey team!

Is Your Stick Too Long? (& other stick issues)

How do you figure out if your stick is the right length? There are quite a few factors to take into account and I'll take you through some of the most important ones here.

Net Drives Done Right

Scoring goals off the net drive requires proper timing, stick positioning and body control. Watch these 2 videos to see how to do it right with and without the puck.

The Best Player Ever

There are a lot of great players out there but what truly sets someone apart from the rest of the crowd?

5 Deal-Breakers For Scouts

If you want to play at the next level, you have to pay attention to the little details that make a huge difference and avoid these five BIG deal-breakers.

How Often Do You Touch The Puck?

Do you know how much time you actually spend touching the puck in a game?  Most girls hockey games range from having 30 to 60 minutes of actual playing time. How much of that time do you have the puck on your stick?

9 Secrets To Scoring More Goals

Let's face it - goal scoring is something that's lacking across all levels of girls’ hockey. Here are 9 basic tips for goal scoring that I share at my practices and camps - hopefully they help you and your players to put more pucks in the net this season.

2 Essential Forward Skills

Playing forward isn’t all about scoring goals. While it might seem like that’s the primary focus at early ages, as you progress into higher levels of hockey, your play without the puck becomes that much more critical. There are plenty of different skills forwards need to master both with and without the puck in order to progress to the highest level of hockey, so today I wanted to focus on two that are essential to becoming an elite player.

How To Score Off Rebounds

Scoring off rebounds is a critical skill for girls hockey teams looking to score more goals this season. Here is a simple drill to use that will put more pucks in the back of the net from in close.

3 Reasons To Play Your Off-Side

While it's harder to give and receive a pass on your backhand than it is on your forehand, it’s much easier to score goals on your off-side than it is on your proper side. So here are 3 reasons why I like having players play their off-side.

Hiding The Release

Being able to get a good shot off while carrying the puck is absolutely critical if you want to score more goals. Shooting one timers off the pass and finishing rebounds in tight with quick little snapshots are important too, but being able to shoot effectively in stride while carrying the puck is one of those skills that makes you stand out in girls hockey.

3 Things We Have To Do Differently

The mental game, off-ice training and on-ice development of the female players in the female game needs to be approached differently. This article focuses on the development on contact confidence in our players to help them be safer and more effective on the ice.

Beware The Chicken Wing

This article addresses one of the biggest problems I see everyday with the way girls’ hockey players hold their hockey sticks. It prevents them from being able to shoot, pass and stick-handle properly. Here's how to fix it!

Winning The Bluelines

Making smart puck management decisions at your own blue-line on breakouts and at your opponent’s blue-line on entries are crucial to your success as a team and as a player. If you are constantly losing the puck at the blue-lines, you’re not generating much offense and you’re probably playing a lot of defense in your own end.

4 Ways To Score Greasy Goals

Not all goals have to be pretty. It doesn’t matter how it goes in - it just matters that it went in. So here are some keys to scoring goals of the greasier variety. Remember that these count the same as the pretty ones.

5 Ways To Score 1 More Goal Per Game

Every team out there would love to score at least one more goal per game. So here are 5 ideas I’ve put together to help you put more pucks in the back of the net this season.

Getting The Puck Back

Elite players have the puck on their stick for less than 2% of the game, which means we spend 98% of our game playing without the puck. Here's some ideas on how to get it back so we can get back on attack.

More Than Just Skill

College coaches are looking for a TRIPLE threat - players with great athletics, academics and attitudes. This article focuses on exactly what they are looking for when it comes to ATHLETICS.

Too Much Tape To Tape

Most coaches in the female game preach making tape-to-tape passes all the time. And while that might be ideal when there is time and space, that’s not the reality of the female game. "Bad" passes happen all the time and players must be able to be 360 degree pass receivers.

4 Factors Keeping Good Players From Being Great

There are plenty of good female hockey players out there. But these are the 4 factors than separate the good from the great.

Watch and Learn

Video is a fantastic teaching and learning tool for young hockey players. Most young people are visual learners so we need to teach them in a way that they'll best absorb the information.

8 Secrets To Scoring More Goals

Goal scoring is something that is lacking across all levels of girls' hockey. Here are the 8 secrets to scoring more goals in the female game.

5 Tips For Scoring Off Rebounds

In the average girls’ hockey game, there are at least 10-20 scoring opportunities off rebounds. And so many of these potential goals go un-scored. Here are 5 quick tips to help you score more goals off rebounds.

Where’s The Space?

If you want to score more goals, you need to generate quality scoring chances off the rush. And in order to generate more chances off the rush, you need to be able to read whether the open space is IN FRONT of the defenders or BEHIND the defenders.

Under Pressure

The more girls hockey games I watch, the more I see teams playing a full pressure system when they don't have the puck. That usually works fine until you come up against a team that excels at moving the puck. So how do you adjust your pressure when the other team has elite puck skills?

If You Want More, You Have To…

Whenever I sit down and talk with aspiring young players about the opportunities that lay ahead of them in the female game, I always start with this same message...

Angles Not Dangles

Stop worrying about showing off your latest dangles and start learning about all the great angles you can use to attack the game.

#1 Thing To Do At Tryouts

There is a right way and a wrong way to do things. And whether it’s in tryouts or in life, we almost always know what the right thing to do is. Here are the top 3 things you must do right to stand out for all the right reasons at tryouts.

Say My Name

Calling for pucks is a simple way to communicate that most teams and players need to improve on in order to get to the next level. But have you ever thought about communication from the player GIVING the pass?

The Shot You Need To Score More Goals

Everyone loves to see a booming slap-shot go in bar-down. And most girls shoot a half decent wrist shot when they have time. But the most lethal shot in girls' hockey is rarely taught at all.

Want More. Do More. 3 Tips

Here are 3 simple things you can start doing today to become a better hockey player.

7 Cs That Make Coaches Very Happy

Coaches can be very demanding on their players and sometimes it's hard to figure out exactly what your coach wants. So here are 7 critical "C"s that all coaches are looking for this season.

Get Off The Wall

Hockey games are won and lost on the wall. Your ability to win battles along the boards is continuously tested all game long. You've got to work on your wall skills if you want to take your game to the next level.

The Right Place At The Right Time

I often wonder if I would have been an even more effective female hockey player if someone had taken a bit more time to teach me where to be and when to be there.

Why You’re Not On The Power-Play

Everyone wants to be on the power-play. And everyone gets upset when they’re not on it. Today, I want you consider why your coach may have decided not to put you out on the power-play.

Are You Really Committed?

Some players will do whatever it takes to get better and some will not. We all have obstacles in our lives that keep us from having an ideal training environment. But if you want it bad enough, you won't make excuses - you'll just make it happen!

How To Play Your Playoff Role

Every player wants to be the one the coach calls upon to win the big game. Every goalie wants to be in for the games that "matter". Every forward wants to score the game-winner and every defenseman wants to be out there in the last minute blocking shots to preserve the one goal lead. But what do you do if you aren't given that role?

Concussion Aftermath

I have NEVER missed a game due to sickness or injury or any other reason in my entire hockey career.  From the time I started at 13 until I retired at 28, I played in EVERY game.  But I definitely shouldn't have and neither should you.

Dressing Room Drama

Dressing room drama has the ability to rip a team apart and cause divisions and problems that inevitably spill over onto the ice. Here I share some thoughts based on my experiences than can help you get your team on track for the rest of this season.

Playing Your Aces

Winning in cards is no different than winning in hockey and in life. You have to play to your strengths. You've got to play your aces.

How To Manage The Puck

To be an elite female hockey player, you need to excel at managing the puck - you need to know when keep the puck and when to give it up to a teammate.

The Ultimate Stickhandling Move

Your ability to protect the puck effectively is the single best stickhandling move you've got. So stop worrying about your toe drags and focus on stick and body positioning.

How To Skate The East-West Game (video)

The first thing I teach players when working on their east-west game is the LATERAL CUT. This allows them to force their opponent to move laterally which is much harder than defending skating north-south.

Is The East-West Game Better?

Is your game more north-south or more east-west? In the north-south game, the puck usually moves up the ice quickly and gets straight to the net quickly. The east-west game is sometimes seen as being more risky - but once you get good at it, it unlocks a whole new level of performance for players and teams.

The 10,000 Hour Rule In Girls Hockey

How young is too young for players to start getting serious about playing at the elite level of women's hockey? Is 15 too young?  How about 10? 7 years old is definitely too young, isn’t it? If an aspiring player’s goal is to play in the Olympics, it might not be. Here are some different ways to break down the math to get you to 10,000 hours.

Pros & Cons of Summer Hockey

There is no doubt that playing in spring and summer tournaments is FUN.  It's a welcome change from the focused intensity of the season. But is it actually going to make you BETTER?

How To Fake A Shot (video inside)

Female hockey players need to use a lot more fakes before they make their next play on the ice if they want to get to, and excel at, the next level. Here is a quick video on one of the key fakes - the fake shot.

Do You Even Need A Good Slapshot?

Slapshots can look great - when they get through and hit the net. But they are one of the least useful shots in female game. Should players even work on them at all?

Top 7 Game Skills

There are 7 skills that separate good players from great players. Here is a brief explanation of each of them.

This Will Make Or Break Your Snapshot

There are a few critical details that can make or break your snapshot. Here are the key details of hand & stick positioning that can help you take your shot to the next level.

#1 Reason Your Snapshot Sucks

Most young female hockey players don't have a snapshot at all - let alone a good one. And for those that do, there is one thing that is usually preventing them from having an effective shot at all.

3 Mistakes That Lead To Defensive Disasters

Here are 3 mistakes that aren’t always the direct cause of a goal against but are quite often the starting point where it all starts to break-down.

3 Tips For Better Tips

Being able to tip the puck effectively is a skill most goal scorers excel at. And since scoring goals is something that many girls hockey teams struggle with, I thought I’d share 3 quick tips on how to tip the puck more effectively.

3 Skills Every Forward & Defenseman Must Excel At

Here are the 3 critical skills we'll be covering for the defensemen and forwards. These aren't the only skills players need to have to excel at their position, but they are critical to being able to play it effectively.

The Perfect Shot

Girls' hockey players are guilty of waiting for the perfect shot. Instead of getting pucks and bodies to net, and finding ways to score 'greasy' goals, they squander great scoring chances.

The Give & Take of Girls Hockey

While puck possession is nice to have, having a good giveaway-to-takeaway ratio is much more important.  Success isn’t dictated by simply having the puck but by what you do with it when you’ve got it.

Is The Grass Really Greener?

You can chase the next best thing and constantly be looking over the fence wondering if the grass is greener on the other side.  You can run from team to team each year telling yourself that you're doing what's "best" for your daughter. There is no guarantee that the team or organization you're going to will be any better than the one you're leaving.

1 Shooting Secret To Start The Season

To be an elite goal scorer in the girls' game, you have to make the goalie adjust to you. Whether you are a forward or D, this is key to putting more pucks in the net this season.

What Great Stickhandlers Do

Your ability to stickhandle effectively is a key skill that can really make you stand out in girls’ hockey. And it’s important to note that stickhandling isn’t all about having the fanciest moves on the ice. It’s about being able to beat people 1-on-1 while maintaining control of the puck.

Gold Medal Showdown

In big games, both teams are prepared and know what they need to do in order to win. Ultimately, success all comes down to trust.

Your #1 Challenge In BIG Games

Here are the 3 Es for excelling in the BIG game.

The Truth About Shots On Net

I wanted to share a few ideas with you today on how to shoot more effectively instead of focusing entirely on the number of shots you generate.

7 Skills Every Player Must Work On (and Why)

Sometimes the littlest things make the biggest difference. So here are the 7 little things all players must work on to take their game to the next level.

Will This Be Your Best Season Ever?

My best hockey memories are all from the teams I played on that did more than their fair share of winning and, in almost every case, overachieved for what they were on paper. And yet at the start of each and every season, I want to do better than that.

4 Essential Hockey Habits

There are plenty of talented young female hockey players all over the world. But do these players have these 4 key habits in place to help them get to and excel at the next level?

#1 Secret To Shooting Harder

The #1 thing that helps female hockey players stand out is their ability to shoot the puck. Here is the #1 secret to shooting better.

The Perfection Problem In Girls Hockey

The great thing about coaching girls, whether on or off the ice, is that they are always trying to do the drill or exercise as perfectly as possible. But sometimes this works against them.

Getting Over Getting Cut in Girls Hockey

Tryout season can be hard. But it's what you do after it's done that makes a difference. If you didn’t make the team you wanted to make, it doesn’t mean that you should just coast through the summer and not work hard to be your best. And if you made the team, you aren’t off the hook either.

Permission To Fail

Most girls hockey players just play with the big (safe) gap and never try to tighten it up. They just play passive.  Defense will back in on their own goalie and forwards will reach with their sticks on the forecheck instead of making contact. When you are passive, you are giving control to the attacking players.  When you control the gap, you control the play.

The Politics of Girls Hockey

Tryouts take all of our stress levels through the roof.  We're all worried that we might make the wrong choice, that what people are telling us is not the truth, and that we won't end up with the team we'd hoped for.  The truth is - we're all in the same boat as players, parents and coaches.

How NHL Rules Hurt Women’s Hockey

When the NHL changed their rules on obstruction and interference years ago, women’s hockey followed suit. While the change in the men’s game has been a huge success, it has done more to hurt female hockey than to help it.

5 Essential Skills For Forwards & Defensemen

In order to be an elite level hockey player, you've got to be able to skate, shoot, pass, stickhandle and check effectively at high speeds.There are lots of players out there who have those skills - but do they actually know how to play their position effectively?

7 Secrets of Hockey Playoff Success

Once playoffs start, you want to make sure that you do everything you can to perform your best. Here are 7 simple secrets you can use throughout the post-season to have a successful playoff run.

What Are You Entitled To?

It seems that now, more than ever, players and kids feel entitled to have what they want when they want it - no questions asked. Here I discuss how this impacts individual players & teams.

How Early Is Too Early?

How early is too early for a young player to specialize in hockey?  In a sport that requires so much overall athleticism in addition to specific skills that aren’t replicated in any other sports, parents, coaches and players are often torn about when they should focusing solely on the sport they love. 

The 360 Degree Rule

In this article, Coach Kim explains the 360 degree rule of effective passing and how it affects both passer and receiver.

3 Stickhandling Secrets

Here are 3 simple secrets that will help you transform your stickhandling from average to elite.

3 Reasons Girls Hockey Players Can’t Shoot

As a coach, I’m constantly amazed at how poorly most girls hockey players shoot. Here are my top 3 reasons why shooting is subpar in the female hockey.

Choosing A Girls Hockey Team For Next Year

There are many things to consider when picking a team for next season, but this one is by far the most important.

What Most Girls Hockey Players Won’t Do

Most girls’ hockey players I know don’t play pick-up hockey. Here's what their missing in their development as a result.

What 97 Percent of Girls’ Hockey Players Don’t Have

I truly believe every girls hockey players deserves the same level of access and the opportunity to learn exactly what it takes to become an elite female hockey player.  But they don’t have it - yet.

Hockey Sense 101

#1 Pet Peeve For Girls Hockey Coaches

Talent vs Skill in Girls’ Hockey

3 Cs of Girls Hockey Success

5 Things All Forwards & Defense Must Do Well

How To Choose A Coach For Next Season

The Politics of Girls Hockey

You Only Get One Shot In Girls Hockey

3 More Mistakes That Drive Girls Hockey Coaches Crazy

5 Mistakes That Drive Girls Hockey Coaches Crazy

#1 Reason Your Backhand Is Bad

Are Face-Offs Even Important?

Are You Exhausted Yet?

How To Watch Hockey Properly

1 Shooting Secret To Start The Hockey Season

We All Need A Little Bit of Tough Love

How Did She Do That (great players & plays)

Is Talent Even Necessary?

4 Factors Separating Good From Great Female Hockey Players

Why Canada Won Gold in Women’s Hockey

6 Things All Olympians Have

Why You Need A New Hockey Stick

4 More Skills Girls Hockey Players Must Improve On

7 Things All Players Must Work On (and Why)

3 Questions You Must Ask Yourself

Passing The Torch in Women’s Hockey

Throwing Punches in Girls Hockey

One Thing Girls Hockey Coaches Can’t Teach You

Permission To Fail In Female Hockey

Do You Have To Be Selfish To Stand-Out?

How To Get Ahead In Girls Hockey

The Most Dangerous Word In Girls Hockey

#1 Reason Girls Hockey Teams Under-Achieve

Does Body Checking Belong In Women’s Hockey?

What Women’s Hockey Does NOT Need More Of…

Talent vs Skill Gap in Girls Hockey

The 5 Player Rule in Women’s Hockey

Making The Cut At Girls Hockey Tryouts

How To Standout During Girls Hockey Tryouts

The Road To Success In Elite Women’s Hockey

3 Keys To Beating The Best Team in Female Hockey

The Great Equalizer In Female Hockey

Girls Hockey Playoff Focus Strategies

Have Girls Hockey Coaches Lost Their Minds?

The Worst Advice Doctors Give Girls Hockey Players

Sleep More, Play Better

Sprint Through The Line

Why Is Your Captain Your Captain?

Why You Need A New Stick

Why Bad Posture Is Good For Hockey

How I Beat Crosby and Ovechkin

The Lonely Road To Girls Hockey Success

The Worst Hockey Game Ever

How To Beat A Bad Team

Girls Hockey Body Checking Battle

Concussion Solution for Girls Hockey

From First to Fourth Line

4 Speedy Recovery Tips

Thinking & Playing Girls Hockey

The “Concussion Proof” Workout for Girls Hockey Players

Should Girls Hockey Players Play With The Boys?

The Day I Scored Against Team USA

How To Play With Weaker Players

Elite Girls’ Hockey Players Practice Three Times a Day

The Mental Side of Injuries

Hockey Parents: What Have You Learned?

Hockey Playoffs Start In September?

Hockey Tournament Success Plan


The Greatest Coach I Ever Had…

As Seen On