Never Tell A Girls Hockey Coach This…

Last night, I presented my 11th workshop of the last two weeks. Good thing I like to talk, right?  This is going to sound weird but… I honestly enjoy educating girls hockey coaches, trainers, players and parents about what they can do to get to the next level, as much as I ever enjoyed playing the game at the highest level.

I am honored to have the opportunity to share my experiences as a player and my expertise as a trainer and coach, with coaches who are committed to reaching the next level of performance.

I start every workshop by going over what I am going to cover in the session…

…and what I’m NOT going to cover in the session.

I learned a long time ago that trying to tell another coach what they should do ON the ice with their team is NOT a smart idea.

No matter what I think is the “right” way to develop players on the ice, the reality is that I have no idea what the skill level, playing experience and commitment level of their players is. I could have the best power-play, breakout and fore-checking system in the world, but I can’t guarantee that it’s right for that coach’s team. The only part of on-ice player development I touch on is proper on-ice conditioning at the end of practice. That’s it.

Off-ice team and player development is a completely different story though.

No matter the age, ability or commitment level, all teams have to address these critical areas of player development if they want to have a safe and successful season:

=> Pre-Game Preparation
=> Game-Time Nutrition
=> Speed & Strength Training
=> Post-Game Recovery
=> Proper On-Ice Conditioning

and most important of all…

=> The Mental Side of the Game

As I said in the workshop last night, not every team is going to address all these areas at one time or even of the course of one season.

But these are all critical pieces of the puzzle – just like having your breakout, forecheck and penalty kill in place.

That’s why I spend 2, 3 and sometimes 6 hours, with teams and associations, taking the coaches and trainers through these keys areas of off-ice player development step-by-step.

Because when teams add even one these pieces to their puzzle, the players feel and play better.

And that’s really what this is all about, isn’t it?

Sure, we’d all love to be lifting the league championship trophy overhead this season, but isn’t the long-term development of our girls hockey players on and off the ice most important?

To check out the Best Hockey Season Ever System, click on the link below:

I look forward to helping you have your best season ever.

Your friend and coach,

~ Kim

PS – Want to bring a Coaches Workshop to YOU?

Even though my workshops book up quickly with different associations across North America, I am always looking for opportunities to speak to coaches, trainers, parents and players who are dedicated to taking their game to the next level.

If you are interested in bringing a Total Female Hockey Workshop to your association or team, please email me back with the subject line,”Workshop in (insert location here)” and please include your name,
team/association affiliation and your phone number in the body of the email.

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