Can You Have Just One?

Is it possible to eat just one Christmas cookie or one piece of chocolate? Or should you avoid it completely? When it comes to healthy eating this holiday season, should you compromise?
Having one chocolate here and there isn’t going to ruin your healthy eating habits…or is it? Will having “just one” chocolate to lead to you eating the entire box of chocolates while watching Frosty the Snowman on TV?

As a young player, I always thought of eating those not-so-healthy, but oh-so-tasty treats over the holidays in the same way as I thought of slacking off on the ice.

If I took just one shift off in a game or one drill off in practice, would I be able to stop myself from slacking off even more?

Being a great female hockey player doesn’t mean that you have to be perfect. It doesn’t mean that you can never eat a chocolate or cookie again.

But if you are willing to compromise when it comes to your healthy eating off the ice, will you also being willing to compromise when it comes to your healthy work ethic on the ice?

I am not saying that you can only eat carrots and tofu this holiday season, but I think it’s important to be aware whether you can stop yourself at having one cookie or a few chocolates.

If you think that having “just one” cookie might send you into a nutritional tailspin, my advice is to skip all the chocolates and cookie that are being handed out left, right and center and grab a piece of fruit instead. Yes, it sounds lame, but your body will thank you in the end.

If you can really have only one treat, just make sure that your willingness to compromise off the ice does NOT translate back on to the ice.

So do you think that you can have “just one”?

Work Hard. Dream BIG.

~ Coach Kim

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