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Why Warming-up is NEVER Optional

Most hockey players do some kind of warm-up before heading out on the ice.

This might include a few minutes of jogging followed by some stretching or a complete warm-up routine performed with the whole team.

While most young female hockey players have got the message about warming-up prior to practices and games, very few warm-up before their off-ice training sessions.

And this is a HUGE MISTAKE!

Warming-up prior to off-ice training is as important (if not MORE important) than warming up before hitting the ice.

Off-season training programs require players to perform movements and exercises that are DIFFERENT from what they have become accustomed to doing on the ice. Although a properly designed hockey-specific training program will develop the muscles and energy systems players need to excel on the ice, summer training DOES NOT (and SHOULD NOT) directly mimic what players do on the ice.

Running is different from skating.

Foot quickness drills are completely different when performed without skates on.

These exercises are essential to a complete off-season training program…

And players must prepare accordingly.

Think about it.

If you just spent the last 6-8 months skating 4 or 5 times a week and then decide to go run sprints the day after the season ends, what is going to happen?

Every single ‘running’ muscle that you haven’t used since last August is going to be working overtime and you will feel sore the next day. In fact, the soreness will be quite similar to the pain you felt after your first on-ice session last season – although the muscles involved will be different.

This soreness can be prevented by performing a proper warm-up.

You must prepare the muscles that you use to run, jump and change direction, just as you must warm-up the muscles that you use to shoot, skate and save.

Warming-up properly before any type of activity is essential for every young athlete and it is EVEN MORE CRITICAL for young players when they are beginning their new summer training program.

That’s why warm-ups are NEVER optional.


Work Hard. Dream BIG.


Your friend and coach,




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