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What Is Your Goal?

The truth about becoming an elite female hockey player is that there is only so much room at the top.

–> Only 1% of high school athletes receive scholarships to play college sports.

–> There are no professional contracts for women’s hockey players.

–> Only 50 girls in North America are going to make it to the Olympics – 25 on the Canadian team and 25 on the American team. And that’s only every 4 years

So, what is the goal for the majority of young female hockey players?

Is it all about winning?

Is it about being the best at all costs?

Or is it about developing character?

All of these are admirable and achievable goals.

But they aren’t for every player.

Not every player wants to compete against and be the best in the world, and that’s OK.

There are 5 questions that players must ask themselves to determine if they really have what it takes to be great.

1) How badly do you want it?

2) What are you willing to do until you get there?

3) How much time and effort are you willing to invest?

4) Why do you want it?

5) Do you really love it?

Of those five questions, the last one is by far the most important.

Because if you don’t have a genuine passion for the sport, it is going to be hard to keep yourself going through the tough times. The road to success is a rocky one, and it is you don’t love what you are doing, the journey may not be worth the success.


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Work Hard. Dream BIG. Set Goals.


Your friend and coach,



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