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How To Skate The East-West Game (video)

In our last newsletter, I told you about the importance of incorporating the
east-west game into your individual and team game.

The first thing I teach players when working on their east-west game is the
LATERAL CUT. It starts with getting them comfortable with the concept of
skating the game with their toes pointing towards the side boards instead
of north-south. This allows them to force their opponent to move laterally
which is much harder than defending skating north-south. It also allows
the attacking player to pull the puck further away from the defender which
keeps it protected.

Watch this quick video I made showing you a really simple drill we do
to teach the lateral cut and start learning the east-west game. Enjoy!


Please feel free to pass this video and information along to any friends,
teammates or coaches that you think will benefit from it.

Work Hard. Dream BIG.

Your friend and coach,


Kim McCullough, MSc, YCS
Director & Founder, Total Female Hockey

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