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How To Be A Bench Warmer

No one wants to be a “bench warmer”. Especially at the end of the year when the big games and entire season are on the line. But now that the playoffs are here, it is inevitable that some players are going to get more playing time than others in those “do or die” situations. Even the most elite women’s hockey players have been left sitting on the bench when the game is on the line. So how do girls hockey players deal with warming the bench?

Coaches should be up front with their players and parents that there are going to be changes in playing time late in the season. Some are and some aren’t, but either way it is important that you don’t take the cut-back in playing time personally. Easier said than done, right?

Every competitive girls hockey player want to be out on the ice when it really counts and it is inevitable that someone’s feelings are going to get hurt and their self-confidence might take a hit. I can tell you all about how there is “no “I” in team”, but that’s not going to take the sting out of sitting on the bench. It is really hard to stay positive and focused on what you can do to help the team achieve their ultimate goal when you are angry about a lack of playing time. I’ve been there my fair share of times, and it never really gets easier.

No one expects you to be happy about sitting on the bench, but there is still an expectation that you are going to help your team in any way you can.

How you react in this type of situation says a lot about your true character:

Are you a team player or are you an individual?

You are going to be frustrated, but there will come a time when you are out there in the last minute of overtime and you will want your teammates to support you. But in the meantime, you need to “suck it up” and try to help your team as much as you can from where you are. Showing your frustration and disrespecting your teammates and coaches by not being a good team player isn’t going to help your chances of getting your shot out on the ice.

Remember: you can’t always chosen your role on the season, but you can choose how you play it.

What will you do to stay positive and supportive when you end up warming the bench?


Work Hard. Dream BIG.

~ Coach Kim

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