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Expectations In Girls Hockey

Here’s what determines the level of success a girls’ hockey player achieves:


It’s NOT…

::  The team you play for
::  The camps you go to
::  Or the coaches you listen to


And it’s NOT…

::  How hard you shoot
::  How fast you skate
::  Or how fit you are


What truly separates good from great ones is mental.  I’ve talked a lot about confidence and focus in the past, but today I want to talk about something even bigger than that…




A great player doesn’t wish, hope, want or strive for success.




She 100% believes in her ability to successfully achieve her goals.


This doesn’t happen overnight – it is a process. Success breeds success.  And it’s the accumulation of small victories over time in practice, in the gym and in games that lead to bigger victories and help you to believe that you can achieve any goal you set your mind to.

When I think back to my final year of high school, I realize that I expected to be the best player every time I hit the ice.  Whether I always succeeded in being the best player or not, I expected that I would be and that’s what drove my success.  I didn’t just want to be the best – I expected it.


So what are your expectations for yourself when you hit the ice?

::: Are you holding yourself to a high enough standard?

::: Or are you letting yourself off the hook?

::: Are you stepping outside your comfort zone?

::: Or are you just barely playing up to your potential?

::: Are you consistently making the hard choice to be great?

::: Or are you making the easy choice and just going along with the crowd?




As we head into the second half of the season and a new year, you need to start setting higher expectations for yourself and holding yourself accountable to meeting and exceeding your goals.  You’ll be amazed at what can happen when you believe in your ability to achieve all the success you’ve dreamed of.


Work Hard, Dream BIG and Expect Success.

~ Coach Kim

Kim McCullough, MSc, YCS

Director, Total Female Hockey

Girls Hockey Director, PEAC School For Elite Athletes

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