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Why Is It Cool To Eat Like Crap?

Girls Hockey NutritionThis really makes me mad.

Why is that people who choose the “healthy option” are judged as though they are some kind of freak?

Why is it when you have a salad with chicken and a piece of fruit for lunch, people assume that you are on a “diet”?

Why do people think that choosing to eat healthy somehow means that you think you are better than others?

Why is it cool to eat like crap?

I don’t walk around judging people who choose to eat donuts for breakfast, fries for lunch and drive-thru for dinner. I may not think that it is the healthiest choice they could make, but I don’t turn my nose up at them.

Because that is their CHOICE.

When I finally chose to start eating healthier when I was in high school, I went from eating McDonalds every day to having a more balanced nutrition plan in place.

I started to eat “healthy” because I knew that it was going to help me to feel energetic throughout the day and allow me to perform my best.

Not because I thought that it made me better than other people who chose not to eat healthy.

If you are really serious about taking your game to the next level, you need to make the healthiest choices possible for you to perform your best. But you also need to recognize that most people make the choice to eat the not-so-healthy foods on a day to day basis. Don’t worry about what other people are eating and whether they are judging you on your choices.

Focus on what you need to do be great.

Work Hard. Dream BIG.

~ Coach Kim

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