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Concussion Solution for Girls Hockey

The concussion rate in girls hockey is downright scary. Studies have show that girls’ hockey players are 2 times more likely to suffer a concussion than male hockey players and almost 3 times more likely than football players.

Hockey Concussion

I shared these numbers, and my own concussion story, with the local media and the story has spread like wildfire across North America. All this coverage has sparked a great debate about WHY these injuries are happening and IF the research numbers are accurate.

You can debate the statistics and the causes ‘til you are blue in the face.

But I am NOT willing to wait for more girls to sustain serious head injuries to support (or refute) the numbers before I start taking action. And you shouldn’t wait either.

It’s true that these particular stats came from a single study and don’t necessarily represent a trend across the entire female hockey world. And after spending two years doing my master’s research on the brain activity of elite hockey players, I know that researchers will sometimes skew their numbers towards the result they are looking for.

But the concussion stories I hear from girls’ hockey parents, players and coaches on a daily basis tell me that these numbers are “bang on”.

I’ve heard heart-wrenching stories from parents who have had to help their 13 year-olds cope with the lingering effects of a head injury for over 6 months. I’ve heard from 16 year-olds who have had to quit hockey after suffering from multiple concussions. One university coach even told me that her team had 12 concussions in just 1 season!

These stats and stories tell me one thing…

==> This a problem that needs a solution NOW.

I am tired of talking about IF and WHY concussions are a problem in girls hockey.

==> So I have created a brand-new program to FIX IT.

The stats and studies may be complicated,
but the Concussion Solution is simple.

Girls hockey players are going to get hit out on the ice.

The stronger and more stable they are, the less likely they are to get injured.

What are you doing to PREVENT concussions in girls hockey?

Click on the link below to start being a part of the Concussion Solution TODAY:


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