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Chin-Up Celebration

What are the monumental accomplishments in a young female hockey player’s life?

Her first goal?

Her first hat-trick?

Her first shut-out?

How about her FIRST CHIN-UP!

There is nothing better for an off-ice training coach to see one of their athletes do their first ever chin-up.

A girl’s first chin-up is truly an amazing achievement. I still remember the exact moment when I finally pulled my chin up over the bar for the first time and to say that I was absolutely ecstatic would be a complete understatement. I think I was smiling for 3 days afterwards.

In the entire realm of athletic performance, one chin-up is not exactly record-setting.

But it means that a young player has developed the shoulder stability, arm and back strength as well as core stability to be able to pull herself up over the bar.

As I always tell my athletes, once you can do one, the rest are easy.

So when you do your first chin-up (or your first set of 5), make sure that you celebrate your accomplishment.

Getting there is hard – but the reward is great.


To get started on your road to doing your first ever chin-up (or your first 10) check out the Total Female Hockey Elite Training System.



Work Hard. Dream BIG.
Your friend and coach,




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