Category On-Ice Performance

How To Skate The East-West Game (video)

[ posted by Kim on 28th of August, 2015 ]

The first thing I teach players when working on their east-west game is the LATERAL CUT. This allows them to force their opponent to move laterally which is much harder than defending skating north-south.

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Is The East-West Game Better?

[ posted by Kim on 14th of August, 2015 ]

Is your game more north-south or more east-west? In the north-south game, the puck usually moves up the ice quickly and gets straight to the net quickly. The east-west game is sometimes seen as being more risky - but once you get good at it, it unlocks a whole new level of performance for players and teams.

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The 10,000 Hour Rule In Girls Hockey

[ posted by Kim on 29th of July, 2015 ]

How young is too young for players to start getting serious about playing at the elite level of women's hockey? Is 15 too young?  How about 10? 7 years old is definitely too young, isn’t it? If an aspiring player’s goal is to play in the Olympics, it might not be. Here are some different ways to break down the math to get you to 10,000 hours.

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