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Are You Thirsty?

Where is your water bottle right now?

As an athlete, you should have a full water bottle with you at at all times.

Players need to drink at AT LEAST 2 liters (8 cups) of water per day…

But there are always players who think that they are the exception to the rule.

At every hockey, there are always a few players who show up without water bottles. On every team, there are a few players who think drinking water during practice or games will harm their performance.

Just thinking about how much activity these players are doing over the course of the day should tell you that going without water is a bad idea.

Not only are they skating or running around for upwards of 6 hours, they are probably running around outside in the heat as well.

I get tired (and thirsty) just thinking about it.

Once you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated.

Once you are dehydrated, your mind loses the ability to focus and your muscles can’t work their best.

It is amazing what drinking a few cups of water can do for your energy when you are feeling unfocused and tired.

You must stay hydrated if you want to feel and perform your best.  Your water bottle is your best friend – take it with you wherever you go.


For more information on how to take your nutrition, and game, to the next level, check out Game-Winning Nutrition by clicking on the link below:


=> Check out Game-Winning Nutrition HERE <=


Work Hard. Dream BIG.


Your friend and coach,



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