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6 Things All Olympians Have

Don’t you just love watching the Olympics (especially the women’s hockey)?  It doesn’t matter which sport I’m watching, I literally get goose-bumps during almost every event.  Watching athletes achieve a personal best, compete their hardest and realize their Olympic dream is so awe inspiring.

But there has been one moment for me that stood out among all the rest.

During the Opening Ceremonies of the 2010 Winter Olympics, one of the organizers made a terrific point during his speech that really struck a chord with me and I wanted to make sure that I shared with you.

He said that we should all, “Aspire To Be Olympian”.

He didn’t say we should all aspire to be AN Olympian, but to “Be Olympian”.

Let’s be honest – The reality is that there are very few players or coaches that are ever going to realize their dream of being AN Olympian.

But we can ALL aspire to embody the QUALITIES Olympians have:

::  Commitment & Desire
::  Confidence & Focus
::  Humility & Belief in Themselves

Whether you are a player, parent or coach, you can display these qualities on the ice, off the ice, at school, at work and with your family.

Take a moment and think about what you can do today to embody these ideals in your life.  We won’t all have the chance to compete on the world-stage or stand on top of that podium, but we can learn a lot from these amazing athletes and role models and use their achievements as a guidepost for our own lives.

Keep Working Hard, Dreaming BIG and Be Olympian.


Your friend and coach,




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