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#1 Thing Women’s College Hockey Coaches Want

Womens College HockeyThere is one thing that all women’s college hockey coaches are looking for from aspiring female hockey players more than anything else. It’s got nothing to do with how hard your shot is, how fast your glove hand is or the speed of your crossovers. Those things can all be taught. This can’t…

The #1 thing women’s college hockey coaches want when looking for players is someone with…

==> A Great Attitude

This goes for all coaches at all levels really, but when it comes to getting noticed and getting recruited, having a bad attitude will completely RUIN your chances of getting to the next level.

I can help you get as strong, fast and fit as possible…

And your coach can help you improve your skills…

But NO ONE ELSE can give you the innate desire to be successful.

You have to be willing to do whatever it takes to be your best.

And that means extra work on and off the ice.

Great players are made when no one else is watching or keeping score.

The ONLY reason I got the opportunity to play college hockey was my willingness to be running sprints by myself, in the park by the house I grew up in, no matter whether I felt like it or not. If it was raining, I trained (I even ran in a few thunderstorms – but I don’t recommend that). If the park was filled with dog-walkers, and I knew that I was going to get chased by a bunch of dogs as soon as I started running, I still trained. There were many times that I was out in that park doing my speed or strength training so early in the morning that I didn’t see a single person for the entire hour I was out there.

I did this all summer long – even though I knew no one was checking up on me.

Sure our coach expected that we would stay in shape over the summer, but they weren’t out there at those early morning workouts cheering me on.

And they didn’t have to.

I had that burning desire to do whatever it took to reach my dream of playing college hockey.

I am a firm believer that you can’t teach attitude or hard work.

You either have it or you don’t.

When I work with players who have “it”, I can see it in their eyes.

They want it, and they want it bad.

Every women’s college hockey coach I have spoken to says that they would much rather work with a good player with a great attitude, than a great player with a bad attitude.

Players with good skills are a dime a dozen.

But players with that burning desire to be great are hard to find.

Are you one of those girls hockey players that is willing to do whatever it takes to get to the next level?


Work Hard. Dream BIG.

~ Coach Kim

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