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Beware The Chicken Wing

You might be thinking that this message is going to be all about nutrition, but it’s not.

After all, I’m pretty sure it goes without saying that chicken wings aren’t appropriate fuel for high performance.

This message is about the one of the biggest problems I see everyday with the way girls’ hockey players hold their hockey sticks. It prevents them from being able to shoot, pass and stick-handle properly so it must be fixed!

This action shot shows the CORRECT positioning of the top hand out and away from the body in order to shoot the puck properly as well as give & receive passes effectively.

This next picture shows the INCORRECT positioning of the top hand – the dreaded chicken wing position. The top hand on the stick is right up against the hip causing the elbow of the top arm to be bent like a chicken wing.


A more complete view of the dreaded chicken wing


‘Chicken wing’ players are NEVER elite at stick-handling, shooting or passing.

This arm and hand position limits a player’s range of motion in moving their stick around their body. Players who have the chicken wing have very choppy stick-handling and an inability to move the puck out wide to either their backhand or forehand side. When these players go to shoot, they often end up flicking the puck towards their target without any kind of follow-through. ‘Chicken wing’ players also slap at their passes because their top hand position prevents them from sweeping or snapping the puck. And their pass reception is usually quite poor too because they can’t cushion the puck properly as it gets to their stick.

Here’s how to fix it – move the top hand away from the body.


I like to use the cue ‘down and out’ to encourage players to eliminate the chicken wing.

This proper hand positioning allows the player to move their stick into any position around their body much more easily. It allows them to roll the wrist of their top hand more effectively to allow for softer hands while stick-handling.  Getting their top hand away from their body allows them to create a ‘snap’ or ‘whip’ in the stick when shooting instead of slapping at the puck without any follow-through. Passing becomes flatter, harder and more accurate instantly with this proper positioning. And pass reception becomes softer and more controlled.

It’s a very simple fix but it may take your players some time to fix it if they’ve been in the bad habit of ‘chicken-winging’ for a while.  Teach it and remind players to do it whenever they touch the puck.  This will move them a lot closer to becoming an elite level shooter, stickhandler and passer.

Work Hard. Dream BIG. Eliminate the chicken wing.

Your friend and coach,


Kim McCullough, MSc, YCS

Director & Founder, Total Female Hockey

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